What is going on?
While visiting Treowen, you will encounter many strange things. Odd inhabitants of the manor, strange stories of past residents and odd societies who have an interest on what is going on there.
Below you will find some information on who and what may be found at the manor - but beware, not every event is the same. Time moves strangely, but the FMU are constantly discovering new information - so check back occasionally to see what has changed.
Residents of the Manor
Wyn Haffenden
Recent inheritor of Treowen Manor, Wyn had a comfortable life in the north of England, but gave it all up to move to a strange old house. He’s not really sure why he did that.
Suffers from bad dreams.
Shares the house with strangers.
Loves local history.
Drinks tea from a very big mug.
Dee is at Treowen to work with Randolph and the FMU, apparently. A historiographer and an interest in the occult, they believe themselves better than others.
Has big dreams.
Is fairly intolerant of the other residents.
Knows more than they show.
The dark tortured look is not just an act.
Randolph Carter
Randolph hails from Providence RI. Alumnus of the Miskatonic University, he is the leader of the Treowen Expedition. He’s very particular and rather old-fashioned.
Does not dream.
Wants to go home.
Meticulous researcher.
Frustrated by recklessness.
The Collector
Often found in the house library tending the archive. Known to tell stories or sing songs, and to gather new stories to add to the collection.
Unsettles the other residents.
Rarely gives a simple answer.
Keeper of knowledge.
Feels a deep connection to the house.
Stories from the shadows
Treowen has a long, dark past. From the rumours that plague the house and family from its earliest construction, down through the more recent past when the house was tenanted to visitors from all walks of life. The villagers still whisper about the manor, almost as loudly as it does.
While there, you will investigate these strange moments in the house’s past and learn what they mean for the present.
Sightings of a winged beast
Curious bottles and late night whispers
Echoing music from unseen players
Ancient stones which may not exist
A thwarted recovery plan
Where there are strange stories and curious characters, there will always be those who want to study, aid or extort them. Treowen is no exception. Below are some of the organisations that have shown an interest in the goings on at the manor, and who you may run in to during your visit.
Friends of Miskatonic University (FMU)
The FMU was set up to formalise the support offered by the illustrious Miskatonic University to ‘amateur’ researchers across the world.
The Treowen expedition screens all candidates before arrival and can offer a selection of resources from their extensive archives to those who have shown aptitude. All investigators should report to Mr R. Carter as expedition lead and speak to the historiographer Dee for assistance with communications.
The Labyrinthine Circle (LC)
Members of the Labyrinthine Circle are lovers of folklore, history and the folk music and traditions of the British Isles. Leader of the Circle, Esme, particularly enjoys the annual dance and hearing from new member Wyn, just how the old traditions are being upheld at Treowen manor.
Emissaries of Prismatic Wisdom
A modern group who advocate for the freedom of information. Wherever FMU are investigating, they seem to appear and attempt eradicate the boundaries of the ivory towers.
Little is known about their origin or members.
Chambers, Gilman and Hope
Law firm who manage the Treowen estate. They found and contacted Mr Haffenden to inform him of his inheritance. Mr Haffenden was surprised to note how often at least one of the team was present at Treowen and how strongly they insist that the covenants of the inheritance are upheld.
Borderline Radio
Local radio delivering news, weather and updates from the inimitable Alan Mickle. Due to cutbacks, the station runs an hour loop throughout the day, except for the evening interview slot, which hosts guests from the academic community and folk songs selected by the Labyrinthine Circle’s local chapter.