Hugo Nominations…

Our experience is one that has always defied and continues to defy categorization. It is not only immersive theatre, but also part game, escape room, dinner show, overnight luxury getaway, and more wrapped up in a big cosmic horror bow.

The Key of Dreams is eligible for the Game or Interactive Work category for this year’s Hugo Awards. This category is rather wide ranging, including tabletop role-playing games, board games, and video games from international companies and known industry giants. The phenomenal Baldur’s Gate 3 won in this category last year, so the competition is mighty.

As The Key of Dreams premiered in 2024, it will only be eligible to be nominated this one time. To be discussed alongside such well-loved and well-known works of fiction and fantasy is an honour, and to be nominated in the Game or Interactive Work category would mean so much to all the people who make this show a reality. We’re a tiny, family company with a small team of dedicated actors, creators, crafters, and writers. Most of the team have been working with Ivan, Marianne and I since the beginning, helping to guide us through the process and bring these stories to life though their phenomenal performances, invaluable advice and unwavering support.

The response we’ve received from the press throughout the year has been more than we could have hoped for with amazing reviews from such publications as:

“The Key of Dreams combines these elements – it’s the UK’s only 24-hour event featuring elements of live theatre, scavenger hunts and escape rooms – plus a fancy dinner.”

Well-written and tightly organised, The Key of Dreams is a rare gem well worth booking if you’re looking for an unforgettable holiday adventure.

“Key of Dreams is unique: baffling, brilliant, bold, and truly an experience in all senses of the word.”

"A captivating and thoroughly luxurious experience that will leave you in awe.”

Many guests who attended The Key of Dreams and joined us at Treowen have kindly told us that our show is “one-of-a-kind”, “unforgettable”, “utterly unique”. If you enjoyed our work and are eligible to nominate us, we would be so grateful. 

How do I do that?

If …

  • you paid to be a member of Worldcon Glasgow last year


  • if you are registered to attend Worldcon Seattle before January 31st, 2025


  • if you buy a supporting membership before January 31st 2025

then you are eligible to nominate.

You can register for Worldcon Seattle at and as a registered member of the World Science Fiction Society you will receive an email from them that will provide instructions on how to nominate when the window for nominations opens.

Please consider nominating us!

The nominations window will be open in February and March, so if you’re eligible, or know someone who is, please nominate. There are so many fantastic works up for nomination this year and the Hugo Awards are among the highest honours in Science, Fantasy and Horror Fiction.

Thank you to everyone who attended The Key of Dreams for making our opening year one we will never forget. We could not do this work without you. The show works as well as it does because of what each of our guests brings to it. Every single show is different, every group of guests approaching things differently and making their own choices which keep us delightfully on our toes.

Here’s to another year of magical stories we create together.


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